Friday, March 13, 2009


Nowadays, increasing people prefer to share their thoughts online. It includes students from middle-school, college or graduate school. Then, privacy is concerned by some bloggers. They are believing the catharsis of writing is more important than the responsibility of privacy.

If you are writing in a public blog, once that writing is indexed by search engines, your thoughts may be cached forever. The another problem is pseudonyms don not mean you are anonymous. If you don not use different pseudonyms for different situations or purposes online, you are likely to make  your identity fairly easy to discover. 

There is a large Internet computer company points out that privacy is dead, get over it. For absolute privacy, say nothing online. Privacy is as much a state of mind as it a set of techniques or actions you can take. 

In my opinion, the privacy of blog has been an issue with me too. I study in overseas and also have a personal blog that i use to keep friends at home up to date with what's happening in my part of the world. My name is on that blog, and even though i don't publish it, content can still be found by using blog search tools if you try hard enough. 

If i was to use my real name in the blog, people could trace my personal blog quite easily, and then they would know quite a lot about me. I could use a pseudonym in the blog, but the down side is that if it gets successful, i'm then not really publishing as myself am I ??

Anyway, i think blogging is the way for fun and interesting. But if you want to get  the really privacy in blog, i just can say that as one Internet company "privacy is dead".


THEY ARE MY MEMBERS i will introduce my group members.
They are not only my partner, also my good friend ^____^

One is a Chinese girl...Nicole~~~

Nicole's Blog

Another one is an Indonesian girl...Intan~~~
Intan's Blog

Waiting for our Major Project...It will be fun ^________^

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Citizen journalism is the act of non-professionals playing an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information which has long history in United Sates.

CITJ in all its froms, as it has emerged and developed during the first decade of the twenty-first century, is driven by similar motivations: it acts as a corrective and a suplement to the output of commercial, industrial journalism. It has recently begun to challenge the role of its corporate counterpart as opinion leader.

Over the years, citizen journalism has benefited from the development of various technologies. It covers photos or video taken by a member of the public and published on a mainstream or personal news site, comment and opinion contributed to a news site or blog, additional content, such as first-hand accounts used after the London bombings, and perhaps even a personal blog set up to cover a particular subject or location. Sometimes, it also called public or participatory journalism or democratic journalism.

CITJ can conceivably include anything from notes and quotes from a public meeting, to neighborhood happenings and trends, to an original analysis of a piece of proposed legislation, to a public discussion about conditions at local parks, to music and restaurant reviews, to podcast interviews with community leaders and characters, and much more.

Journalism is a collection of practices that can be done by anyone -- not just by a select few anointed by certain types of employers or degrees. Anyone can commit an act of journalism. Differ from daily paper journalism, CITJ tends to be more personal, often written in the first person. It generally doesn't attempt to be comprehensive.

However, who is citizen journalist? It is pretty easy, because everyone can be citizen journalist if you like.

Anyway, i think CITJ is a powerful force forever.


Lasica, J. D. "What is Participatory Journalism?" 2003-08-07, Online Journalism Review, August 7, 2003.

Friday, March 6, 2009


hey. welcome to Cathy's blog.
thanks for your attentions.
All of these words are my really voices in my heart^ ^